Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Government Failure in One Lesson

Government Failure in One Lesson: "Perhaps the easiest way to explain government failure in one lesson is to remember that there is no such thing as 'the state.' Instead, essential decisions about resource use will be made by political actors." ~Michael Munger

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

When Prosperity Is All They Know

Our Kids Have No Economic Immune Systems: "Kids are told they can do anything, that they are personally mighty and important. But they never have the experience of everyday effort and failure." ~Michael Munger

Monday, May 20, 2024

Biden’s Gutlessness And The ICC

It’s official: Biden is weak and evil: Earlier today, I wrote two posts. One was about the fact that the morally corrupt International Criminal Court (“ICC”) had indicted Israel’s leaders for war crimes. The other was about the fact that the world’s evil actors hav...

Friday, May 17, 2024

Wealth Of Stupid Economic Thinking

When Ideological Bubbles Trump Economic Thinking: "That a Nobel Prize-winning economist can hold these naïve views and fail to use simple economic reasoning should give us pause about how ideology and echo chambers can dull our reasoning." ~Paul Mueller

Thursday, April 04, 2024

Stimulus Spending Doesn’t Work Despite Excuses

Did Government Red Ink Make the US More Dynamic than Europe?: "The new 'reshuffling' thesis of American recovery doesn’t make much sense on the evidence. It serves a convenient political purpose, helping to justify massive federal stimulus." ~Jason Sorens

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Cherry-Piketty Data

Cherry-Piketty Data: "Whether the distribution is problematic and calls for correction is one question, but measuring the extent of inequality and whether it is getting worse is an entirely different issue." ~Robert Mulligan