Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Slandering of Brett Kavanaugh

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is on his way to confirmation, until Senator Dianne Feinstein - employer of a Red Chinese spy for twenty years - outed a leftwing judge who claimed she was manhandled at age 15 by then-17-year-old Kavanaugh. The story has not held up to evidentiary standard (with a major portion of Ford's life oddly unaccounted for) and its timing betrays its malice. It also showcases how anonymity has become the new form of character assassination. And Senate Republicans giving her benefit of the doubt are seeing she's shafting everyone.

Ford's story collapsed of its own contradictions and insincerity, so out came a phony story from Ronan Farrow and Jane Meyer authored a New Yorker piece claiming another woman accuses Kavanaugh of sexual assault, a piece shot down almost right away. And then the inept lawyer for the inept Stormy Daniels claimed a third accuser had emerged claiming gang-rape by Kavanaugh - a story that isn't sticking, either, and in fact none of the stories holds up to evidence.

That six FBI background investigations before this showed no evidence of any wrongdoing by Kavanaugh is being ignored shows the Kavanaugh accusations are about nothing but hatred by the sham "Me Too" movement.

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