Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Fact - Iraq and Al Qaida Were Allies In Aggression

Remember in the 1990s how the Clinton Administration cited Iraqi aid to Al Qaida in justifying pinprick air strikes on Iraq and also the Iraq Liberation Act? Well George W. Bush remembered - and he cited the fact that Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaida were allies in aggression in his recent speech on the Iraq war.

Predictably, liberals moaned, even though Bush is right. That liberals keep moaning when the fact of Iraqi-Al Qaida cooperation is cited brings to mind the real reason they do so - because if Iraq was involved with Al Qaida, then the entire counterterrorism policy of the Clinton era was a failure.

But then the escalation of Islamo-Arab acts of war against the US during that time should have shown that already.

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