Tuesday, November 22, 2005

John Murtha Isn't That Stupid, Is He?

What is Pennsylvania representative John Murtha talking about? His recent call for withdrawal from Iraq is based on the assertion that "US troops have become the primary targets of the insurgency." This, though, is palpably false - US troops are on the offensive, not sitting idly by waiting to be attacked, and the main target of the insurgency has been civilians, because the insurgency CAN'T make US troops its primary target - espeically when Al Qaida's recent bombing attacks reek of desperation to turn around a situation improving for the Allies.

Murtha served in Vietnam, so why he would say something any Vietnam veteran worth his salt would see as brainless stupidity is baffling.


Th. said...


I'm just curious if you know this from the personal experience of being a Vietnam vet yourself? I'm not, being much too young, but perhaps you don't have that malady. You are, after all, a Monkees fan.

Monkeesfan said...

th, I know this from researching the truth.