Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Liability That Is Liveshot

Two good pieces examine the bizarre junior Senator from Massachusetts after his slam on American servicemen who are serving in Iraq.

Of course "bizarre" is something of a relative term given the tenured senior Senator who's survived cheating at Harvard to slandering American servicemen himself during the battle of Hamburger Hill (which earned a brilliant skewering by Dylan McDermott in the 1987 movie about that battle) to his infamous car crash where he left Mary Jo Kopekne to die to his endless leftism in general. Even so, John Forbes Kerry is a piece of work, the heart and soul of the Democratic party while at the same time being one of its more graphic liabilities.

Of course Liveshot Kerry gets his comeuppance.


TalkGeorge said...

Good morning Monkey! Why were all the networks pandering to Howard Dean...blah, blah, blah?

Monkeesfan said...


That's the MSM for you.