Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Resign, Senator Kerry

By now you've probably heard about John Kerry's insufferably insulting "joke" about American soldiers in Iraq. Of course Liveshot's "joke" reflects the bigoted hatred of the US that permeates a Democratic party willing to falsify heroism to disparage an important mission, a hatred that is spread far and wide by the Mainstream Media and which gets consistently sympathetic treatment in Hollywood, whether it be subtle or in the case of Michael Moore anything but subtle.

That liberalism does not want the US to win in Iraq or anywhere else for that matter is the hate that the MSM - or as it may be referred to encompass its Hollywood/entertainment industry allies, the Dominant Media Culture - will make sure dare not speaks its name. But for all the Dominant Media Culture's spin, they cannot change that it is a hate crime the same as that inflicted on MSM-approved "victim" groups.

This explains the MSM's abysmal coverage of Iraq, a nadir of which is reached in Newsweek's deceptive "We Are Losing" cover story on Iraq. The hatred of the US is so vast that the MSM will never allow coverage of the war that even hints that the US was right to invade Iraq or right to stay there and win the war, never mind coverage that indicates that we are in fact winning. It is the reason for the rise of the blogosphere, as welcome a break on the Dominant Media Culture's stranglehold on information as any to come along in decades.

As for Seantor Kerry, he has forfeited any right to continue to serve in any governing capacity in this country. He has fought the "good" fight for the interests of America's enemies from Soviet Russia (of which the North Vietnamese/Vietcong were allies in aggression) through Islamo-Arab imperialism, and has expressed that basic contempt for legitimate powers through his insufferable insult to defenders of said legitimate powers.

Resign, Senator Kerry. Do the right thing for once in your life.

FOLLOW-UP: a very funny correspondance to Liveshot.

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