Thursday, October 19, 2017

How Feminism Enabled Harvey Weinstein

Sexual predators tend to be Democrats - shown in the percentage of liberal causes supported by known rapists such as Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton. Feminism helped enable that mindset and the larger baby boomer culture did so to an even greater extent. Now it is exploding, as it enabled sexual exploitation in the name of "liberation," and now attacks those who see the contradiction.

Of course sexual exploitation in Hollywood has spanned the place's entire history and illustrates the nonexistence of sincerity or credibility of Hollywood lectures to where (thanks to a sick level of ambition) even victims expose themselves as enablers. Among the worst is the irresponsible Ashley Judd. Among Weinstein's other enablers is the sanctimonious Meryl Streep - defender of child rapist Roman Polanski as well as one who worshipped Weinstein - and attorney Lisa Bloom.

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