Saturday, January 27, 2007

Continuing Stupidity Against The Iraq War

What is it about celebrities that they side with leftism? A recent demonstration against the liberation of Iraq attracted celebrities and attracted MSM attention, and like all such demonstrations, attracted nothing in the way of truth.

The reality is nothing the antiwar side says about Iraq is the least bit accurate. There is no civil or sectarian war in Iraq, there is Islamo-Arab sabotage; there is no hopelessness for a democratic Iraq, there is a battle to secure it; there was no recklessness by the US in attacking, there was the fact it was the only option. We of course get "realists" trying to say otherwise, except those "realists" are unrealistic.

The continuing stupidity against the Iraq war needs to be countered, and the need for real ideological diversity in the celebrity culture remains high.


TalkGeorge said...

The problem is that it's hard to find the truth, media outlets have agendas that are self serving. I miss Walter Cronkite!

Monkeesfan said...

Walter Cronkite was the worst - he turned against the Vietnam war not for any valid reason but because of the antiwar side; he was point man in falsifying the results of Hanoi's failed Tet offensive, and he spooked Lyndon Johnson into losing his nerve.

Shinimegami said...

There's no civil war in Iraq?

Statments like that would be funny if they weren't so sad. It's hard to believe that anyone could be so delusional.